Capacity building workshop is an important event of the SECOVIA project. It promotes transferability of know-how, exchange of experiences and mostly the long term impact and sustainability of the project. The main focus of the capacity building workshop is to exchange experience and increase the skills of public administration staff to formulate and promote virtual accessibility investment proposals.
Public consultation is also a significant part of the SECOVIA project that promotes the feasibility, the transferability of the results and mostly the long term impact and sustainability of the project. The main focus of the public consultation events is to bring together regional public authorities, national associations, ICT operators and cloud providers to discuss on effective investment schemes in virtual accessibility services and cloud infrastructures.
The speakers for these events were: Radu Big (CDIMM Maramures Foundation – Project Manager); Cristinel Costea (Technical University of Cluj Napoca – Baia Mare Branch); Thodoris Stratiotis – (IMIS – Greece); Stathis Karanastasis – (ICCS / NTUA – Greece); Viorel Filip – (IndecoSoft Baia Mare); Ciprian Ghise (IndecoSoft Baia Mare) and Mirel Mihali (CDIMM Maramures Foundation).
The agenda included presentation about:
- SECOVIA Project
- Legal framework of cloud computing (concepts, definitions, standardization, different ways of using, legal and operational issues, contract)
- Technical aspects of cloud computing (basic elements, advantages, characteristics, risks, data centres)
- Setting up inter – institutional providers of cloud based information technology infrastructures in South East Europe
- Case studies
During the meeting, we established a videoconference with Mr. Kussai Shahin (Lepida, Italy), the General Project Manager of the SECOVIA project.
After the presentations, the participants (representatives from public administration, IT companies and NGO’s) discussed about these topics and about the existing obstacles and possible solutions on the cloud computing adoption.